Total Station
Where can I download relevant software and manuals?
Since 2018, physical software CD-ROM and user manual are no longer provided with product.
Why does my total station require to input registration code?

There're 2 reasons:

1. Your seller has not activate it due to your payment issue.

2. Your seller is not an official distributor.

How can I get the registration code?
Request from your seller.
How to change the language for my total station?
User cannot change language from the menu. Please contact your reseller for assistance.
Why my total station measures shortan than stated in specification?
Distance measurement by total station, especially in prismless mode, is significantly determined by various factors, such as reflectivity of target, air temperature and humidity, light condition, atmospheric particles, electric field, incidence angle, etc.
Can I get warranty for the total station I bought from unauthorized dealers/trading companie?

We do not guarantee any total stations sold by unauthorized dealers or trading companies. We will be free of responsibility if those total stations are with wrong language, inactivated system, defective functions and performance.

If there's no dealer in your country/region, please contact us for a direct puchase.

Caution for Fraud Trading Companies

The following trading companies are proved to resell unauthentic RUIDE products, with the risks including wrong language, unregistered, unactivated, deactivated by geo-fence, malfunctioning, second handed, refurbished, recycled, etc.

Henan Pilot Dolphin Technology Co.,Ltd.

Chengdu Mingjun Trading Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Hexin Survey Instrument Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Peng Jin Technology Co., Ltd.

RUIDE and her official distributors will not take responsibility to provide any warranty and support to those unauthentic products.

RUIDE reserves the right to remotely deactivate those products sold by the above compaines.