Can I buy RUIDE products in third-party online store?
We do not have any official online stores on any platforms including but not limited to eBay, Alibaba, Aliexpress, etc.
Caution for fraud trading companies.
The following trading companies are proved to resell unauthentic RUIDE products, with the risks including wrong language, unregistered, unactivated, deactivated by geo-fence, malfunctioning, second handed, refurbished, recycled, etc.
Henan Pilot Dolphin Technology Co.,Ltd.
Chengdu Mingjun Trading Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Hexin Survey Instrument Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Peng Jin Technology Co., Ltd.
RUIDE and her official distributors will not take responsibility to provide any warranty and support to those unauthentic products.
RUIDE reserves the right to remotely deactivate those products sold by the above compaines.
Does Disteo 23 or RT-2 store measurements?
No. They don't have internal memory.